crossorigin="anonymous"> Why Are These Black Dots On Your Car Windscreen: What Happens If They Disappear? The answer will surprise you! – Subrang Safar: Your Journey Through Colors, Fashion, and Lifestyle

Why Are These Black Dots On Your Car Windscreen: What Happens If They Disappear? The answer will surprise you!

Purpose of black dots on car windshield: Have you ever noticed black dots and a black border around the edges of your car’s windscreen? These dots are not just for decoration. They are important in keeping your car’s windscreen functional and protected. These black dots on a car’s windshield are called frits, and they serve several important purposes, which are explained in the article:

Adhesive Grip: The black border, which gradually fades into small dots on the outer edge, helps improve the adhesion of the adhesive during windscreen installation. This creates a rough surface for the adhesive to adhere to better, which ensures that the glass stays firmly in place for longer. The fritters block the sun’s rays, preventing the urethane sealant from melting due to high temperatures.

Prevents cracking: Glass expands and contracts due to temperature changes. The black dots help distribute heat evenly across the windscreen, preventing cracks and damage, which is also important for safety.

Sun Protection: The black border and dots help block the sun’s glare. They reduce sunlight entering your car, keeping the interior a little cooler.

What if the fritters run out?

If fritters or borders start to fade, several problems can arise:

— Without dots, sunlight can hit the adhesive directly, causing it to weaken.

– The windscreen may not be firmly attached, which may lead to safety issues.

— Uneven heat distribution can cause glass to crack easily, compromising safety and causing financial stress.

In short, these black dots are small but essential. They ensure that your windscreen is protected and lasts longer. Always take care of your windscreen to maintain its functionality and safety.

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