Deputy Prime Minister William Gawka said the alleged attacks took place on Wednesday in a nightclub area in the city of Nadi, which is home to the international airport.
“The alleged incidents are deplorable,” Gavka said in one statement.
“There were two separate alleged incidents, one of alleged theft and the other of alleged sexual assault, which affected two different members of staff,” he said.
“A suspect known to police has been questioned for sexual assault. The investigation is ongoing.”
The minister said the crew members are staying at a local hotel used by the airline for vacations and are due to return home this week after assisting police in the investigation.
Virgin Australia has sent representatives to Fiji to assist affected staff.
Australia’s Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade told Reuters it was aware of the reports but declined to comment further.
Gavuka, who is also the Minister of Tourism and Civil Aviation, said such attacks can happen anywhere and Fiji is not immune.
He said that as always we remind tourists to be careful around night club areas and late at night.
Latest crime statistics Posted by Fiji Police. The November-October crime rate increased by 6 percent compared to the same period last year.
Fiji relies heavily on its tourism industry, which receives around one million tourists each year.
Last month there were seven foreign tourists including one American. Hospitalized in Fiji After a cocktail at a resort bar. However, the authorities later said that there were tourists. No alcohol poisoning or illegal drugs, officials said after a poisoning report.