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Toward Autonomous Surface Missions on Ocean Worlds – NASA Science


Principal Investigator (PI)

PI Institution


Testbed Used

Purpose of Project

ARROW Projects

Jonathan Bohren

Honeybee Robotics



Extended PLEXIL with stochastic decision-making capabilities by employing reinforcement learning techniques.

Pooyan Jamshidi

University of South Carolina

Resource Adaptive Software Purpose-Built for Extraordinary Robotic Research Yields (RASPBERRY SI)


Developed software algorithms and tools for fault root cause identification, causal debugging, causal optimization, and causal-induced verification.

COLDTech Projects

Eric Dixon

Lockheed Martin

Causal And Reinforcement Learning (CARL) for COLDTech


Integrated a model of JPL’s mission-ready Cold Operable Lunar Deployable Arm (COLDarm) into OceanWATERS and applied image analysis, causal reasoning, and machine learning models to identify and mitigate the root causes of faults, such as ice buildup on the arm’s end effector.

Jay McMahon

University of Colorado

Robust Exploration with Autonomous Science On-board, Ranked Evaluation of Contingent Opportunities for Uninterrupted Remote Science Exploration (REASON-RECOURSE)


Applied automated planning with formal methods to maximize science return of the lander while minimizing communication with ground team on Earth.

Melkior Ornik

U Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

aDaptive, ResIlient Learning-enabLed oceAn World AutonomY (DRILLAWAY)


Developed autonomous adaptation to novel terrains and selecting scooping actions based on the available image data and limited experience by transferring the scooping procedure learned from a low-fidelity testbed to the high-fidelity OWLAT testbed.

Joel Burdick


Robust, Explainable Autonomy for Scientific Icy Moon Operations (REASIMO)


Developed autonomous 1) detection and identification of off-nominal conditions and procedures for recovery from those conditions, and 2) sample site selection

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