crossorigin="anonymous"> The whole world is worried about the attack of ‘human metanomovirus’ in China, is India’s medical community? – Subrang Safar: Your Journey Through Colors, Fashion, and Lifestyle

The whole world is worried about the attack of ‘human metanomovirus’ in China, is India’s medical community?

The National Center for Disease Control has said that the virus is under control in India.

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Teng of the virus, photo IANS

With China booming, a whole new virus has once again set the world on fire. In this atmosphere of concern, some good news is also coming out. Medical experts say that there is no need to worry and panic about this virus in the winter season. Wondering whether to travel to China right now? In this, the statement of the Chinese government came out.

The Chinese government has issued a day on Friday that nationals of a country can travel to China safely. The Chinese Foreign Ministry has said that such tragedies are common during this time. The ministry says that this year the virus has less impact than before. In contrast, the Chinese government’s posting of pictures of hospitals and crematoriums on social media platforms is alarming.

Meanwhile, India’s National Center for Diseases said that the virus is being closely monitored. Experts say it is related to the virus that seems normal. It attacks the weak and children. Bukhara meets the symbol in it. To avoid such viruses, it is important to avoid eating or eating from people who have a cold, or to use a towel or handkerchief when sneezing.

On the other hand, Dr. Atul Goyal, the officer of Sales Service Directorate General, gave a very important statement on the virus in China. Controversially encountered viruses. Dr. Goyal says that the current situation of the virus victims in China is becoming, we do not need to panic because of it. He adds that there are reports of metanovirus exposure from China, but it is related to a common respiratory virus that thrives in the common cold. It causes feverish symptoms in the weak and children.

Talking to the media, Dr. Goyal said that in the current situation, I think it is important that we all take precautions against safety measures. This means that if anyone else has a cold, you should isolate yourself from them, no matter the virus that causes the cold, and use a separate handkerchief or towel for coughing and sneezing. If the condition is worse then you can take common medicines which are necessary. No need to worry too much.

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