Sonic the Hedgehog The new sequel stars Keanu Reeves in a pivotal role.
The makers, while casting the ace actor, kept in mind that they would incorporate some elements from Reeves’ filmography that would pay tribute to him.
Writers Pat Case and Josh Miller wanted to include ‘Guns, Lots of Guns’ as a tribute to their films. John Wick And Matrix. But they could not do that.
Casey, in conversation with cinema mix, Added: “It didn’t make the movie, but we were definitely tempted. [ask]”Is there any way we can get Shadow to say ‘guns, lots of guns’?”
“He’s already said that in two other franchises, just to really push it forward.”
However, both managed to include some references to Keanu’s films, such as a scene where Robotnik asks his grandfather test questions about the value of dividing the speed of light and time by the speed of a bus. This scene was a reference to the 1994 film. speed
On the other hand, the climactic fight scene between Shadow and Sonic shows the former showing Neo-like moves. Matrix.
Voice 3 With Reeves’ voice-over and Jim Carrey’s role gaining worldwide acclaim, the film was a success in cinemas.