During the period of military dictatorship, there have always been demands for the restoration of democracy. And when democracy is restored after a long struggle and great sacrifices, the very people who fought to bring it back often suffer the most. The ruling party and its government functionaries collect herds of thieves consisting of large and small landlords. Old and dedicated party workers have been swept away. Party and bureaucratic positions are distributed among newcomers composed of the same elites who persecuted party workers when the party was not in power. Voters and veterans often cannot even reach elected leaders. Public service delivery systems are destroyed and government resources and budgets are swallowed up by mafias at various layers of the governance machinery.
This describes our current situation. The people are under the grip of an oppressive and irresponsible system of governance. Protests have lost their significance as there is no redressal mechanism. Accountability systems have been compromised through legislation to formalize looting. Some believed that devolution of powers to local governments would improve governance and service delivery. But the Loot Khasot model has simply been adapted from the district to the Union Council level.
Gulshir Panhour
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