New Delhi: Government-run renewable project aggregator SECI On Tuesday, the Anil Ambani-led government withdrew its ban order. Reliance Power (R-Power) for three years from bidding for projects.
SECI imposed this restriction on the basis of its group existence, Reliance NU BESSThe submission is allegedly incorrect. Bank Guarantee In one of its recent tenders. The ban was imposed without asking RPower to respond to the allegation, an argument the company had made while challenging the ban. Delhi High Court.
“The company (R-Power) and its subsidiaries (except Reliance NU BESS) are eligible to participate in all tenders issued by SECI,” the parent said in a statement.
R. Power invoked this principle. Natural justice And the arguments that the parent company or other entities of the group cannot be stopped because of the “issues” arising between the bidding subsidiary – Reliance NU BESS – and SECI. R-Power further argued that the SECI did not issue a notice for the company’s reply before imposing the ban.
Upholding the SECI ban imposed on November 6, the court ordered the removal of the public notice except for Reliance NU BESS from the SECI website and fixed the next hearing on December 12.
The bank guarantee in question was allegedly issued by First Rand Bank through its branch located in Manila City (Philippines). But during SECI’s due diligence, however, the bank’s Indian branch denied the existence of a branch in the city of Manila, prompting the agency to conclude that the company had submitted “false documents”.
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