After Sambhal Khushi, Yogi Adityanath’s ‘Criminals’ poster number statement, Ram Gopal told you that you will also be answered. 4 people in the house and 2 dozen injured.
Samajwadi Party General Secretary Gopal recalled this statement and said that the first Majlis (DM) should send the Superintendent of Police (SP), as these police are responsible for Ram SP. He hinted at taking a stand by criticizing the failure of the mistake.
Rahul, on the other hand, entered the area to stop the Rahul Rahmanma and Samajwadi Party delegations, which they said was Roo’s joke. Rahul Rahul offered to go alone with the police, but his request was rejected.
It may be recalled that on November 24 in Sambhal, four people were killed and around 24 injured, including police personnel, in the area of violence between locals at the Jama Masjid of the Court. The UP government has shut down the internet for 24 posts in the region and arrangements are underway to stop it.
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