PV Sindhu looked stunning in a white dress during her haldi ceremony, opting for a unique and refreshing departure from traditional bridal colours. Recently, the Olympic champion tied the knot with entrepreneur Venkata Dattasai in a lavish wedding ceremony in Udaipur, and her turmeric look was nothing short of amazing.
While she shone as a traditionalist. Sabyasachi Bride Dressed in red for her main wedding ceremony, PV Sindhu took a more unconventional approach to her haldi rituals, showing her love for unconventional bridal choices. Instead of opting for the usual yellow tones associated with the event, she opted for a relaxed palette of ivory and silver that stood out.
For the occasion, PV Sindhu wore a beautiful lehenga by ASAL by Abu Sandeep, a lightweight white fabric that exudes grace and charm. The ensemble was paired with a mirrored bustier with a sweetheart neckline and a matching sleeved long jacket. Her white floral jewelery added the perfect touch to the look, enhancing her playful yet refined style.
Her hairstyle was equally simple, with her hair styled in a messy bun, while her minimal make-up accentuated her natural beauty. The ensemble as a whole was a beautiful blend of simplicity and style, highlighting her elegant presence and the blissful nature of the pre-wedding ceremony.
For brides who want to keep their pre-wedding look understated and classy, PV Sindhu’s haldi dress makes a compelling case for minimal embellishment. White lehenga. This is a perfect example of how a soft and subtle look can still make a bold statement, without the need for bold colors or heavy jewelry. If you’re drawn to the idea of a lighter, refined look for Haldi or other pre-wedding festivities, Sindhu’s outfit offers plenty of inspiration.