Badminton star PV Sindhu Married entrepreneur Venkat Datta Sai. In an intimate wedding ceremony on 22nd December 2024 in Udaipur, Rajasthan. And two days later, the two-time Olympian and her husband have now shared some beautiful photos from their wedding day on social media. In the pictures, PV Sidhu and her husband Sai can be seen dressed in traditional Indian attire as they participate in the wedding rituals in the presence of their close friends and family.
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Unsurprisingly, PV Sindhu is one of the most popular Indian athletes in India and has won five major world championship medals–including bronze at the 2016 Rio Olympics and silver at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics. Meanwhile, her husband Venkata Datta Sai is the executive director. Posidex Technologies.
How PV Sindhu Met Venkata Datta Sai: Their Love Story
PV Sindhu and Venkata Datta Sai Wedding Photos
In an interview a few days ago, PV Sindhu and Sai opened up about how they have known each other for a long time, before Cupid finally struck and they decided to tie the knot. Decided. Talking to CNBC TV 18, PV Sindhu said that we were family friends and we have known each other for a long time. To which Sai added, “Almost 10 years… we met in 2013.”
Sindhu added, “Before it was nothing, we met once in a blue moon sort of way, then once we met on a flight and we started talking…”
Elaborating on the particular incident, Sai shared, “It was a Vistara flight from Hyderabad to Delhi, and we took it again after many months — that’s a good memory too. I always remember people. He was the one who texted and called me first – so no one’s blaming me (he joked), ‘Did you get there?’ and ‘Have you left the airport?’
Recalling the incident, Sindhu added, “But then there was nothing; it was a normal conversation. My focus was always on badminton. After the Olympics, we suddenly decided to get together…” and so on. , as they say, is history. .
PV Sindhu and Venkata Datta Sai Wedding Photos
Asked about Sai and how he fulfills her idea of a perfect partner, Sindhu added, “He is very helpful, very caring, and he delivers on whatever he promises. You need a partner who is very, very supportive and make sure he’s there.” Now isn’t that heartwarming!
More details about their private wedding ceremony
The private wedding ceremony of PV Sindhu and Venkata Datta Sai was attended by Jodhpur Culture and Tourism Minister Gajendra Singh Shekhawat on 22 December 2024 and he also shared the first picture of the bride and groom on social media.
It was a pleasure to attend the marriage ceremony of our Badminton Champion Olympian PV Sindhu with Venkat Datta Sai in Udaipur last evening and give the couple my best wishes and prayers for their new life together.@Pvsindhu1
— Gajinder Singh Shekhawat (@gssjodhpur) December 23, 2024
Some time ago, Sindhu’s father confirmed the news regarding their marriage and shared that although the two families know each other, the wedding date was confirmed some time ago. They chose December as the wedding month as Sindhu had no badminton matches during that time.
“Both the families knew each other but it was only a month ago that everything was finalised. It was the only possible window as his schedule would be busy from January onwards.” PV Ramanawho is Sindhu’s father, told PTI. He also said that the wedding will take place on December 22, 2024 in Udaipur, followed by the reception on December 24, 2024 in Hyderabad.
Here’s wishing the newly married couple, Sindhu and Sai many years of happiness and togetherness.