Bollywood producer Ekta Kapoor, best known for shaping Indian television with her popular “Saas Bahu” dramas and bold digital series under ALT Balaji, recently spoke about the emotional challenges of being a single mother.
Speaking at an event, Kapoor shared the struggle of raising his seven-year-old son without a father.
“I told my seven-year-old that you don’t have a father, and I’m learning with you,” she revealed. “I always have this feeling of guilt, a guilt that I might not be the perfect mother.”
Kapoor became a mother through surrogacy in 2019 after a difficult journey with infertility.
She recalled a seven-year struggle, during which she explored various fertility options before deciding to freeze her eggs at age 36.
Despite the joy of motherhood, Kapoor admits that the absence of a traditional family structure weighs on her.
Her comments also addressed rumors about her planning a second child through surrogacy. Sources close to Kapoor denied these claims and called them baseless.
The producer’s vivid depictions highlight the emotional and social pressures single parents face, even in modern India.