Indian scientist Dr. Rajgopal Chidambaram died on Saturday at the age of 88. He breathed his last at 3:20 am at Jaslok Hospital in Mumbai. Rajgopala Chidambaram played an important role in the 1975 and 1998 experiments. They are also linked to India’s nuclear weapons program.
Rajgopala Chidambaram, Chairman of the Nuclear Energy Commission and Principal Pacific Advisor to the Government of India. He was awarded Padma Shri in 1975 and Padma Vibhushan in 1999. Dr. R. Chidambaram co-ordinated the preparations for the Pokhara-1 (1975) and Pokhara-II (1998) nuclear tests. He said that Bhabi also served as a consultant to the Atomic Research Center (BARC).