New Delhi: JSWMG Motor India on Wednesday reported a 55 per cent growth in sales at 7,516 units in December 2024, compared to the month a year ago. JSW MG Motor India said in a statement that the company recorded its highest ever EV sales in December with NEV (New Energy Vehicle) sales accounting for more than 70 percent of total sales with crossover utility vehicle Windsor. made 3,785 units alone, JSW MG Motor India said in a statement.
Reflecting on 2024, a company spokesperson said it was a year of transformation with the successful launch of a joint venture (between JSW and China’s SAIC) and refreshed brand identity, reiterating India’s commitment to automotive evolution. What did
“Going forward, we will maintain our growth momentum by continuously disrupting and innovating. We are committed to delivering exceptional customer service as well as introducing new products every six months,” the spokesperson added. ”
JSWMG Motor India plans to build on this momentum into 2025 with a number of innovations and products for the Bharat Mobility Global Expo 2025 in January, the statement said.