There is nothing that sets the tone of one’s day better than breakfast because it is more than just a meal and is actually a source of long-term health as well as body activation.
According to Earth’s report, most people don’t know that the quality of breakfast they eat can be the key to fighting heart disease, while everyone knows that a good breakfast gives you the energy you need to get through your day. Need to get in the day.
In a recent study, experts at the Hospital Del Mar Research Institute investigated the relationship between the quality of breakfast and heart health.
At least 383 participants were tracked by researchers in the PREDIMED-Plus project. The aim of the project was to evaluate the effects of the Mediterranean diet combined with physical activity on cardiovascular disease – compared to the effects of dietary recommendations alone.
“Breakfast is an important meal because it breaks the longest fasting period of the day. According to dietary recommendations, an adequate breakfast provides 20-25 percent of energy,” the study authors wrote.
They added: “Breakfast skipping is associated with a higher prevalence of obesity, risk of diabetes and metabolic conditions. In contrast, eating breakfast is associated with better whole-food quality.”
The study found that participants who consumed 20-30 percent of their daily energy intake at breakfast had promising health outcomes.
Additionally, it was noted that those who consumed less or more energy in the morning had a more favorable increase in body weight than those who consumed less or more energy in the morning.
While keeping added sugars and saturated fats at bay, a good breakfast should be rich in protein, beneficial fats, fiber and essential minerals such as potassium and iron.