Kejriwal further said that today, Newabad, New Ashok Nagar Sahib started the first process of ‘RRTS’ which expresses itself? Along with this, the new Delhi Metro line from Janakpur Pashcham to Krishna Park was inaugurated and a new metro line from Rithala to Rithala Road was laid. I congratulate the people of Delhi for this. The three industries were jointly inaugurated by the Delhi Government and the Central Government. The opening of these productions shows that the Aam Aadmi Party works only for the people of Delhi.
Kejriwal also said that he sent me, Manish Sisodia, Satyendra Jain and Sanjay Singh to jail. We all walked out of jail in September last year. We have not made the atrocities on us a major issue. If we take injustice personally, the Delhi Metro line would not be built or inaugurated today. If we made injustice an issue, the ‘RRTS’ line would not have been built and inaugurated today. This is happening only because after coming out we said why atrocities will be done on top of Delhi’s work not MLA Jail. We prioritized the development of Delhi over the party.