Ganesh Infraworld IPO GMP: The unlisted shares of the company are trading on the gray market at Rs 161 per share, a 93.98 per cent premium (or GMP) to the IPO issue price of Rs 83.
Ganesh Infraworld IPO Listing Date: Ganesh Infraworld IPO allotment has been finalized. Investors can check their IPO allotment status on Registrant Link In Time’s portal. The company is now set for listing on NSE SME on December 6. According to market observers, the IPO is poised for a blockbuster listing as its GMP is hovering above 90 percent.
Ganesh Infraworld IPO GMP: The company’s unlisted shares are trading at Rs 161 per share on the gray market, a 93.98 per cent premium (or GMP) over the IPO issue price of Rs 83. , which is indicative of a huge increase in yesterday’s list. However, NSE rules limit the listing benefits of an SME IPO to 90 percent.
Ganesh Infraworld IPO: How to Check Allotment Status?
The status of Ganesh Infraworld IPO allotment can be checked on the Link Intime portal by following the steps below:
Step 1: Go to Link in Time’s portal (
Step 2: Select ‘Ganesh Infraworld Limited – SME IPO’
Step 3: Enter details of PAN, IPO Application Number, DP/Client ID, or Account Number/IFSC Code
Step 4: Click on ‘Submit’
Your IPO allotment status will now be visible.
Ganesh Infraworld IPO More Details
The initial public offer of Ganesh Infraworld Limited, which was opened for subscription between November 29 and December 3, received a total subscription of 369.56 times.
The retail investors category received 274.48 times subscription, while the non-institutional investors (NII) segment subscribed 865.82 times. QIB category got 163.52 times subscription.
Its price band was fixed between Rs 78 to Rs 83 per piece.
The Ganesh Infraworld IPO is a fresh issue of fully 118.77 lakh shares.
Ganesh Infraworld Limited’s revenue grew by 116% and profit after tax (PAT) by 198% in FY 2023-24.
Vivro Financial Services Private Limited is the book-running lead manager of the Ganesh Infraworld IPO, while Link Intime India Private Ltd is the registrar for the issue. The market maker for the Ganesh Infraworld IPO is Rekho Securities.
Ganesh Infraworld Limited, founded in 2017, is a construction company offering a wide range of construction services.