Priyanka Cheney wrote in the post, recalling the words of Jawaharlal Nehru that “Countries are not lifted from the high chair of a few men, when people are happy and progress.”
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Priyanka Gandhi / Photo X
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Priyanka Gandhi / Photo X
Member of Parliament from Wayanad and leader Priyanka Leader once again criticized the Prime Minister of Pakistan and Barpi government. Posting on social media platform ‘X’, he wrote that the country has progressed due to the economic policies of the current government. Indian families are getting less food and people are taking loans. In a social media post, he recalled the words of former Prime Minister Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru and wrote that “Countries are not made by a few people climbing the high chair, the country is taken when people develop you.” “
Priyanka Beijing has signed the ‘X’ that the family’s position has been increasing and the number of borrowings has been increasing according to India Post. Post demonetisation there are placements and this trend continues till now. Debt reduction makes debt repayment difficult. As a result, gold loans rose by 56 per cent at the start of the current financial year, but at the same time gold loan defaults rose by 30 per cent month on month,” Priyanka wrote, adding that the Prime Minister said that the Prime Minister said that 2 crore Phrases like jobs, the 5-line dollar economy, WishGuru, and New Year’s resolutions are nice, but in reality, their economic strategies did people.
Priyanka wrote about economic inequality, “According to the Global Inequality Base, economic inequality has increased even more under the BJP government than the government.” The rich one percent own more than half of the country’s wealth. Private consumption has been falling steadily for the past 8 quarters and is at a 50-year low. Indirect taxes on the middle and low-income classes contributed to inflation, making the common man less able to speak his mind.
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