Delhi Electoral Officer Alice Awaz said, “Not just a right, there is a responsibility, which strengthens your base. Through this campaign, we want to inspire every eligible voter of Delhi.”
” class=”qt-image”/>Photo by @airnewsalerts
” class=”qt-image”/>Photo by @airnewsalerts
NEW DELHI: A major step has been taken by the Delhi Election Electoral (CEO) to create election awareness amid the Delhi Police election. CEO Alice Awaz has been developed in a special design to give the green flag to the self-rickshaw that today has gone in a different direction for public awareness. Write this self-voting and voting party message in 70 constituencies of Delhi state
A press release by the CE and Delhi office said that these self-rickshaws will not only convey the political message of voting to the public, but also encourage them to contribute to the democratic process. Under this campaign, 3000 autonomous rickshaws have been prepared today which are active in their mission.
The initiative taken by the Delhi Chief Minister aims to make every corner of the city accessible and voting as a fundamental democratic right. Expressing their opinion in this regard, Delhi CE and Alice Vaz said, “Not just a right but a responsibility which strengthens your foundation.” Through this campaign we want to attract every eligible voter of Delhi to vote, we want the message to go ahead and vote.
Act as a ‘mobile awareness unit’ on your own with meaningful post slogans informing people about the voting method, the date of the election and each vote. The campaign is the focus of the Commission’s collaborative efforts, which aim to ensure greater voting and participation in elections.
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