Don’t try to make this bread with bright yellow bananas. For the best flavor and texture, you want well-spotted overripe bananas that easily mash into a paste. If you find you’ve cooked bananas before you’re ready to cook them, peel them and put the mashed bananas in a freezer bag, then scoop out what you need and gather the rest of your ingredients. Time let them rot.
We call for quality Dark chocolate chipsbut you can use whatever you have on hand, whether it’s mini chocolate chips or a shaved bar. If you prefer banana bread with hearty pieces, replace half of the all-purpose flour with whole wheat flour in the dry ingredients. Not a walnut person? Pecans work just as well, toasted. coconutPistachios, or cashews.
You can also turn this easy banana bread into easy banana muffins: spray a Muffin pan with non-stick spray and fit the molds with paper. Silicone liner. Fill them three-quarters of the way to the top, and check your muffins for doneness after 25-30 minutes in the oven.