Union Minister of State for Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution BL Verma, in a written reply in the Lok Sabha, said that the Department of Consumer Affairs continues to work for consumer protection and consumer empowerment through progressive legislation. is doing . “With a view to modernize the framework governing consumer protection in the new era of globalization, technologies, e-commerce markets, etc. The Consumer Protection Act, 1986 is repealed and the Consumer Protection Act, 2019 enacted,” He said.
To protect consumers from unfair trade practices in e-commerce, the Department of Consumer Affairs has also notified the Consumer Protection (E-Commerce) Rules, 2020 under the provisions of the Consumer Protection Act, 2019.
The CCPA imposed a fine of Rs 61.60 lakh on 19 coaching institutes and issued notices to 45 coaching centers for misleading advertisements, Parliament was informed on Tuesday.
In November, the regulator had issued “Guidelines for Prevention of Misleading Advertisements in the Coaching Sector, 2024” to prevent coaching centers from making false or misleading claims and advertisements to promote the sale of goods or services. could
The National Consumer Helpline (NCH), managed by the Department of Consumer Affairs, has emerged as a single point of access to consumers across the country at the pre-litigation stage for redressal of their grievances.
Around 1,004 companies, which have voluntarily partnered with NCH, as part of the ‘Convergence’ programme, respond directly to these complaints as per their redressal process, and feed the complainant on the portal. Returns by providing back. Complaints against companies, which have not partnered with NCH, are forwarded to the company’s email id for redressal.