Andy Mishetti, creator Flash The film has revealed why the film failed at the box office.
According to This director, the film did not appeal to the ‘four quadrants’ of film demographics, meaning it did not appeal to men and women under 25 and men and women over 25.
Although, Warner Bros. worked hard on the action sci-fi, it still failed to impress the moviegoers.
While I’m talking La Bolera del Coso show Radio TwoAndy said: “The Flash failed, among all other reasons, because it wasn’t a movie that appealed to all four quadrants. It failed at that.”
He added: “When you spend $200 million making a movie, [Warner Bros] Want to bring your grandmother to the theater too.”
Meanwhile, the 51-year-old director and screenwriter also revealed another reason for the film’s failure.
According to the creator, people don’t really care about ‘The Flash’ character, they only talk about ‘Batman’ and ‘Superman’.
“I’ve found in private conversations that a lot of people don’t understand The Flash as a character,” Mishetti said.
Adaptation from Flash pointthe 2023 film grossed around $271 million, which is no small number, but DC needed double figures to break out of the red considering the size of the budget and anticipated marketing costs.