IPS businessman Nai Nai Kumar has been given the charge of Special Commissioner of Delhi Police. Before that, he was also in charge of Additional General of Police in Kashmir.
It should be clear that Vijay Kumar in the naxal-infested South Bastar is also supported in general elections 2019 in a peaceful manner. After the abrogation of Article 370 in Kashmir Valley, Vijay Kumar was called from Chhattisgarh to Jammu and Kashmir to better center the end order. He said local recruitment of militant groups played an important role. Has also started with the police on a large scale.
During his tenure in Jammu and Kashmir, police procedures were also criticized. The main reason for this is that many political, political and civil society organizations have filed a complaint under the APA and the Public Safety Act against the families of militants killed in an encounter with the deceased in April 2020. It was V. Jayakumar who initiated the denial of permission to perform his last rites.
Vijay Kumar hails from Saharsa district of Bihar. Having a master’s degree from Jawaharlal Nehru University, he is nominated IPS and has served only in Kashmir Police in Terrorism Wing, ISIS Group.
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