crossorigin="anonymous"> Noah’s Ark: Zoo taking old Christmas trees for animal enrichment. – Subrang Safar: Your Journey Through Colors, Fashion, and Lifestyle

Noah’s Ark: Zoo taking old Christmas trees for animal enrichment.

The zoo’s majestic bears, rhinos and African bull elephants will be given trees

A zoo is asking people to give up their old Christmas trees so they can be used as “enrichment” for animals.

Noah’s Ark Zoo Farm in North Somerset has taken in around 15,000 trees over the past five years.

Some of the trees will be turned into chippings that can be used by spectacled bears, who enjoy the scent of the pines, and rhinos, who enjoy foraging through them.

Others will be given to the zoo’s African bull elephants, who will eat branches and forage through trees.

A giant bull elephant wanders among the Noah's Ark Christmas trees, pushed into the sand to keep it upright.Noah’s Ark

Zoo elephants love to eat Christmas trees and throw them around.

Zoo curator Chris Wilkinson said the trees would make a real difference to some of the animals.

“Trees have a great smell that they’re not used to, so some animals will have to rub up against them pretty well.

“For the elephants – their habitat is filled with sand, which means we can bury trees and make them stand up and create a whole forest for them to come and explore.

“They’ll eat them bit by bit, they’ll throw them around, they’ll look for the food we’ve put out.”

Fantastic bear with christmas tree in cold field.

The zoo’s majestic bears enjoy the scent of Christmas trees.

The scheme has become popular since its launch in 2021, with around 3,000 people bringing their Christmas trees to the zoo in 2024.

“It’s grown year on year, and we’re now formally partnered with North Somerset (council),” Mr Wilkinson said.

“It’s a way that we as a charity can help the community and be a bit of a hub for things like this.”

There will be a Christmas tree drop-off point until January 26 in the zoo’s car park.

A pile of Christmas trees along a gravel path, with a sign reading 'Recycle trees this way'. In the background is a cool field and the trees are outlined against the blue sky.

The zoo will accept Christmas trees until January 26.

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