Former actress and now Duchess of Sussex, Meghan Markle started her 2025 with big news — she’s back on the social media platform. Instagram And how! After a gap of 5 years, Meghan has made a comeback on Instagram and within hours, her social media account which goes by the name @Meghan has gained more than 6,77,000 followers. Her first post was a short black-and-white video, in which she is seen tracing 2025 in the sand in a white dress. And the news of his new account has been confirmed by the Associated Press.
The news of Meghan rejoining Instagram comes at a time when there are rumors of her split from her husband. Prince Harry The reason: It has been noted that the couple has been making public appearances separately for quite some time now. There is also an alleged “emotional drought” in their marriage caused by rumors of their divorce. However, Harry and Meghan have put those rumors to rest by sharing photos of themselves together this holiday season. In fact, for the first time, the couple even shared photos of their children—son Archie and daughter Lilybet—in their official Christmas 2024 card.
Meghan’s past on Instagram
This isn’t the first time Meghan has joined Instagram. It should be noted that before marrying into the British royal family, she was known for her role in the sitcom ‘Suits’ and had a prominent presence on Instagram. After meeting and marrying Prince Harry, the couple shared an account titled @KensingtonRoyal with Harry’s older brother Prince William and Kate, Princess of Wales.
As differences began to surface between the brothers and their respective spouses, Meghan and Harry launched their own independent social media account in 2019 under the title @SussexRoyal. However, it was deactivated in 2020 when Harry and Meghan decided to officially step down from their roles as senior members. British royal family.
In an interview with The Cut in 2022, Meghan revealed that she would be returning to social media soon. “Do you want to know a secret? I’m coming back … to Instagram,” she said. And now, nearly three years after that, Meghan is back on the social media platform.