KARACHI: Sindh Police Chief Ghulam Nabi Memon on Friday ordered action against the concerned officer in case of non-action on public complaints based on solid evidence of theft, robbery, murder, kidnapping and other serious crimes.
He directed that the concerned SHOs and SIOs will be dismissed from service if FIRs are not filed on public complaints related to serious crimes, delay tactics and patronage of elements involved in crimes.
Moreover, FIRs should be registered immediately for motorcycle and car theft, theft of valuables, robbery, murder, abduction and disappearance of children and women and other complaints.
IGP Memon directed that complaints based on allegations of abuse, organized crime, corruption and mafia patronage will be investigated by the Special Branch. He issued these instructions while presiding over a meeting on the performance and redressal and reforms of the IG Complaints Cell (CMS). The meeting was attended by DIGs of Headquarters, IT, AIGs of Admin, Complaints Cell, Operations and PDIT.
Memon directed that on public complaints regarding non-registration of cases, the Grievance Cell will not only seek clarification from the SSP, but the SSP will also determine the reasons and responsibilities of the police for non-registration of cases. And will send to all concerned institutions. Details to Grievance Cell.
He said that action will be taken against the SHOs and SIOs as per the police rules and if they are found guilty of negligence, carelessness, using delaying tactics, harassing the complainant and not cooperating in the registration of cases. They will be fired. Apart from this, the Complaints Cell will also hear the complaints received from the police personnel and resolve them and submit a report.
IGP said that our aim is to make Sindh police complaint system effective, centralized and meaningful at the public level, in this regard all DIGs, SSPs and unit in-charges will not only listen to public complaints but also redress them. Will also make sure. He further said that the process of free registration of FIR should be ensured in all districts and it should be made possible according to its spirit and objectives.
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