STRASBOURG, France: European countries on Tuesday approved downgrading the wolf’s conservation status, a move activists say will upset the species’ recovery over the past 10 years after being near extinction a century ago. will give
Europe charged with protecting wildlife The 49 member states of the Berne Convention and some African countries agreed to upgrade the wolf’s conservation status from “strictly protected” to “protected”, the Council of Europe said.
Gray wolves were extirpated in Europe about 100 years ago but their numbers have practically doubled to a current population of 20,300, prompting protests from farmers angry at livestock losses.
Downgrading wolves to a “protected” species would allow hunting to resume under strict regulation, a move activists fear could result in mass shootings of the species.
“We need a balanced approach between protecting wildlife and protecting our livelihoods,” said Ursula van der Leyen, president of the European Commission, who has strongly supported the conservation cuts.